The primary difference between a filling machine used in a hazardous environment and one not used in a hazardous environment is the use of either hazardous condition rated and / purging / or intrinsically safe components of the operating system so that auto ignition of these products is avoided. For our Monobloc Systems, Filamatic can offer an electrically operated machine that has all the versatility of our standard monobloc.
The choice of how a hazardous location filling machine is designed depends greatly upon the determination of the various insurance, national, and local regulatory agencies. Our typical systems are designed for NFPA, Class 1 Div 1, Groups C & D explosion hazardous locations.
For our monobloc’s, the control panels may be designed for installation in a non-hazardous area or purged. As always, Filamatic will analyze each packaging project individually to ensure the best solution.